The Grace Cathedral Choir of Boys

media contact:
David Perry (415) 676-7007 /
WHO: The Grace Cathedral Choir of Boys
WHAT: Holiday Caroling & Media Opportunity
WHEN / WHERE: Friday, December 15: 10am – 11am +
+ 10:10am(Cable Car Museum – 1201 Mason Street San Francisco) – Choir members will board a Cable Car. They will immediately ride down five blocks to Union Square. They can opt to sing or not during the ride. NOTE: Media Pool Provided by NBC Bay Area
10:25 am (The Westin St. Francis Hotel – 335 Powell Street between Post and Geary Streets) – Choir members will disembark Cable Car right in front of hotel. Media should arrive by 10:15am
10:45am (Union Square Winter Walk stage across the street from Westin St. Francis) Choir members will perform the two a capella songs.
SPONSORS: This event is made possible by the Grace Cathedral Music Department, the Office of Mayor London N. Breed, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA), the Union Square Alliance, and the San Francisco Arts Commission.
DETAIL: The Grace Cathedral Choir of Boys will join holiday celebrations in San Francisco by caroling in and around Union Square, visiting local hotels, businesses, and bringing joy to residents, visitors, and workers at Union Square Plaza’s stage. During this special event, the 25-member choir, who will dress in their traditional purple cassocks, will highlight unique San Francisco experiences like riding a cable car, and enjoying the various holiday displays and events that make the City an ideal place to celebrate the holiday season.
The Grace Cathedral Choir is a 100-year-old choir in the Anglican Cathedral tradition, one of only a handful of such programs in the U.S. The boy choristers’ ages range from 9-14.
Grace Cathedral has had a men’s choir since its founding as an institution in 1906, and boys’ voices were added in 1913. The centuries-old Anglican tradition of a choir of men and boys has since blossomed here, as one of a handful of such choirs in the United States.
The choristers, who sing soprano, are students at San Francisco’s Cathedral School for Boys. The men (who sing alto, tenor, and bass) are professional singers from throughout the Bay Area.
The full Choir of Men and Boys is heard at Choral Eucharist on Sundays at 11 am, at Evensong on Thursdays at 5:30 pm, and at additional services and performances throughout the year. More information about the choir, including the planned formation of a Cathedral Choir of Girls, can be found at
The full Choir of Men and Boys performs in a series of much-loved Christmas concerts, a holiday tradition for many in San Francisco. All concerts are held in Grace Cathedral:
- Sat, Dec 16 at 3:00 pm
- Sun, Dec 17 at 3:00 pm
- Fri, Dec 22 at 7:30 pm
- Sat, Dec 23 at 3 pm
More information can be found at