Thank you Joe Biden
Thank you Joe Biden. Thank you for a life of service. Thank you for a Senate career of distinction. Thank you for a vice presidency that brought your honor and connections and wisdom to the world. Thank you for putting down the ploughshares and once again taking up the battle during a campaign that restored dignity to the Presidency. Thank you, now, for passing the torch in this ultimate act of courage and patriotism. I look forward to your filling out your term with distinction, and campaigning for the next four months with your integrity and accomplishments intact.
I’m reminded of President Eisenhower’s words upon hearing of the retirement of Sir Winston Churchill (full remarks below): “But we shall never accept the thought that we are to be denied your counsel, your advice. Out of your great experience, your great wisdom, and your great courage, the free world yet has much to gain, and we know that you will never be backward in bringing those qualities forward when we appeal to you for help, as all of us are bound to do.”