Sharing LGBTQ HeritageThrough Public Artwork and Historic Markers
Media Contact: David Perry, DP&A Inc / (415) 676-7007 / news@davidperry.com
Sharing LGBTQ Heritage
Through Public Artwork and Historic Markers
October 15 Panel “Using the Outdoors to Out LGBTQ History”
Brings Activists & Experts Together for Inaugural Circa Queer Histories Festival Marking LGBTQ History Month
and ONE Institute’s 70th Anniversary
15 September 2023—Los Angeles CA: We’re here, we’re queer and we’re outdoors, artful and historic! On Sunday, October 15 (3pm – 4:30pm) at the Los Angeles LGBT Center (1125 N. McCadden Place, Los Angeles), LGBTQ History Month and ONE Institute’s 70th Anniversary is given voice and presence with the FREE panel “Using the Outdoors to Out LGBTQ History.” The discussion with queer heritage conservationists, public historians, and community activists explores the crucial link between plaques, memorials, and memory markers of historic LGBTQ sites with the growth of a strong, thriving queer community. This panel is one of 70 such events across Los Angeles in honor of ONE Institute’s landmark anniversary during the month-long Circa Queer Histories Festival. The event is free, but advance registration is required by going to the following link: https://circafestival.org/event/using-the-outdoors-to-out-lgbtq-history/
Panelists include:
Justin Estoque —executive with the Autry Museum of the American West, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian, and the National LGBT Museum in NYC (retired).
Rafael Fontes — preservation planner with the Los Angeles Office of Historic Resources whose graduate work at USC’s School of Architecture explored the first efforts to landmark LA’s historic LGBTQ sites.
Dr. Gayle Rubin — author, scholar and cofounder of the Leather & LGBTQ Cultural District and the SF South of Market Leather History Alley public art installation.
Shayne Watson — architectural heritage historian, co-author of Citywide Historic Context Statement for LGBTQ History in San Francisco, founder of the “Friends of Lyon-Martin House” committee.
Barbara Tannenbaum — moderator and event organizer, arts and culture journalist, and former vice president and board member of San Francisco’s Rainbow Honor Walk.
With special video presentations by:
• Ken Lustbader, co-founder and co-director of the NYC LGBT Historic Sites Project explains how to cut through red tape when seeking heritage preservation status for LGBTQ landmarks
• Eric Marcus, NY-based author and executive producer of the “Making Gay History” podcast reveals the Talking Statue installation at the Stonewall National Monument
• Dr. Tim Seelig, conductor laureate of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, will show the Artists Portal and Emperor Chime in San Francisco’s National AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park
For more information about the CIRCA Queer History Festival, visit https://circafestival.org/about/