San Francisco Releases Health Guidance Detailing Requirements for the Additional Activities Reopening Today
DEMpress@sfgov.org 415-558-2712
September 14, 2020
Contact: Joint Information Center
(415) 558-2712, dempress@sfgov.org
*** Press Release ***
San Francisco Releases Health Guidance Detailing Requirements for the Additional Activities Reopening Today
San Francisco, CA – Today, San Francisco posted additional guidance and requirements for lower-risk indoor and outdoor activities reopening today. Each of the following additional activities pose a lower risk only if all published safety requirements are followed. Establishments are still strongly encouraged to continue providing services outdoors where they are allowed to do so.
The gradual reopening of businesses and activities will increase travel and interaction throughout the city, which means increasing community spread of the virus and an increase in cases. Public health officials will regularly assess the Key Public Health Indicators, particularly new positive case counts and hospitalizations to ensure San Francisco has the necessary resources available for those that are infected.
The following summary is only a partial list of activities reopening today along with some key requirements to safely reopen. Businesses should review the detailed guidance to learn about specific health recommendations and requirements designed to protect personnel and customers, like face coverings, sanitation, physical distancing, and employee/customer health screenings.
Indoor Personal Services
Services include hair salons, barber shops, nail salons, massage (in a non-healthcare setting), estheticians, skin care, and cosmetology services, electrology, tattooing, piercing, and microblading. The additional guidance also allows indoor personal services in other situations where customers have contact with equipment but no contact with the provider, like tanning salons, but the equipment can be cleaned between customers to also make them lower risk.
Removal of face coverings for indoor personal services is not allowed under any circumstances.
Capacity Limits
The establishments must have all stations and other areas to be configured to ensure at least six feet of physical distancing between customers.
The number of customers allowed in a facility at any given moment is the amount that can safely maintain at least six feet of physical distance at all times.
DEMpress@sfgov.org 415-558-2712
Detailed Requirements and Guidance for Indoor Personal Services Here.
Indoor Gyms and Fitness Centers
Gyms and fitness centers may open indoors for one-on-one personal training and self-directed exercise. Example fitness activities include weightlifting or solo basketball. Locker rooms, saunas, steam rooms, showers, indoor pools, and climbing walls must remain closed for the time being. Group cardio/aerobic fitness classes (such as spinning, kickboxing, etc.) are not permitted indoors at this time. Adequate ventilation and at least 12 feet of distance must be maintained at all times around those who are performing any physical activity that increases breathing rate or intensity (including weightlifting, treadmills, spin bikes, etc.). People must maintain at least six feet distance for stationary activities that do not increase breathing rate or intensity, such as stretching, gentle yoga or meditation.
Customers and personnel must be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and wear face coverings at all times, including while using cardio equipment. All equipment must be disinfected before and after use.
Capacity Limits
Establishments may open only up to the lesser of 10% capacity or the number of people who can fit in a space while remaining at least six feet apart at all times and 12 feet apart from anyone who is performing an activity that increases breathing rate or intensity.
Children are not permitted inside indoor gyms and fitness centers.
Detailed Requirements and Guidance for Indoor Gyms and Fitness Centers Here.
Lodging Facilities for Tourism
Lodging facilities, including hotels, motels, hostels, bed and breakfasts, inns and short-term rentals, are now open for tourist use. Rentals of one room in an occupied unit is not permitted at this time (e.g. all short-term rentals must be “whole home rentals”). Indoor personal services, open under applicable health directives, such as hair, nail salons, and massage may resume. Outdoor facilities, also permitted under applicable health directives, such as golf, fitness, outdoor tennis may resume.
Indoor fitness centers, indoor pools, and indoor dining facilities, ballrooms, conference rooms, business centers, lounge areas, and other indoor gathering places must remain closed at this time.
Capacity and Room Limitations
Lobbies and common areas based on the number of people able to fit in the space with required physical distancing (about 113 square feet per person). Lobbies and other common areas must be closed to people who are not personnel, guests or customers of businesses who need access to the area.
Guests should be encouraged to limit their room occupancy to those in the same household. Visitors to rooms are not allowed.
DEMpress@sfgov.org 415-558-2712
Guests must not be in the room during cleaning, and before housekeeping personnel begin cleaning the room it must be allowed to air out for at least 15 minutes by turning ventilation on and opening doors and any operable windows.
Detailed Requirements and Guidance for Lodging Facilities for Tourism Here.
Small Business Support:
To support a safer reopening, the Office of Economic and Workforce Development is coordinating the distribution of free personal protective equipment for San Francisco’s small businesses. Small businesses that would like to request a 30-day supply of hand sanitizer, surgical masks, and face shields should coordinate with their nearest participating community-based organization. Program details and availability can be found online here.
Additional information and guidance for other activities reopening on September 14 and San Francisco’s reopening plan may be found at sf.gov/reopening.
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San Francisco’s Path to Reopening San Francisco’s reopening plan is available online at SF.gov/reopening. Reopening is dependent upon San Francisco’s Health indicators remaining stable or improving, and the plan is subject to change. All San Franciscans must do their part to limit the spread of COVID-19, including face masking, social distancing and handwashing. The reopening of most activities and businesses requires limited capacity and health and safety plans. San Francisco continues to evaluate ways to bring higher risk activities, including indoor movies, dining, bars, night life, and offices back safely.