Retailers need new modes of transacting business with their customers
Contact: (415) 651-2929 / dani.grindlinger@schooleymitchell.com

Retailers need new modes of transacting business with their customers
Dani Grindlinger of Schooley Mitchell’s new San Francisco location offers solutions
18 May 2020 — San Francisco, CA: For the first time in two-months, retailers selling books, games, home furnishings, cosmetics and other “non-essential” products will be able to open on Monday for curbside pick-up and delivery. Business owners will need to provide customers with a way to select products and safely pay for their purchases without entering the store. Many business owners will need to implement new ordering and/or payment systems to enable sales.
There is a new resource for Bay Area retailers to investigate their options. Schooley Mitchell is the leading cost reduction consulting firm in North America. Strategic Partner, Dani Grindlinger, offers cost-saving solutions and operational recommendations in several areas, such as telecommunications, merchant services, waste removal, and small package shipping. Grindlinger established the San Francisco office in January 2020.
“Contactless card readers are available with any of the major processors and even most of the smaller ones,” advises Dani Grindlinger of Schooley Mitchell. “Because electronic data is captured at the time of the sale, payment processors consider these to be a ‘low-risk, card-present’ transaction – meaning the store saves on processing costs compared to an order taken over the phone, on a website, or using electronic invoicing.”
Schooley Mitchell consultants like Grindlinger deliver independent, objective operational expertise to retailers, manufacturers, and service-based businesses. They analyze their clients’ existing and changing business needs then work with vendors to develop the most cost-effective solutions. They do not receive kickbacks or incentives from vendors. Schooley Mitchell’s fees are self-funded out of the savings generated through their services.
“I am a small business owner myself, and literally just got started when COVID-19 hit. I am thrilled to be in a position to help other businesses right now,” says Grindlinger. “There is no cost for my initial analysis and recommendations. I share in the savings that I am able to find using Schooley Mitchells proprietary tools and processes for cost reduction and vendor management.”
To learn more about how Dani can help you prepare for the changes to your operations, and improve your bottom line call her at 415-651-2929, email, or visit www.schooleymitchell.com/dgrindlinger.
About Schooley Mitchell:
Schooley Mitchell is the largest independent cost-reduction consulting firm in North America, with offices from coast-to-coast in the United States and Canada. To date, Schooley Mitchell has delivered over $340 million in documented savings to our clients. For additional information about Schooley Mitchell’s services and opportunity, visit www.schooleymitchell.com