Orwell Was Right
“Orwell Was Right”
In reference to the news story (link below), I feel the need to speak out. It’s as if they Googled the word “Gay” and hit “Delete”:
I am a San Francisco business man: openly gay, married, and a member of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce board of directors and executive committee. What is going on at the national level is bad for business; bad for San Francisco; bad for my family. I will not sit idly by and just “observe”. I challenge my fellow business people and Chamber members to do the same. Now is the time for San Francisco’s corporate community to stand up and show true “San Francisco values.”
This current outrage would be funny if it wasn’t so stupidly tragic and — yes, I’ll use the word – evil. For this administration “DEI” means “Deliberate Erasure of Individuals”. This intended Orwellian rewriting of history will not end well, and is already impacting international business connections.
As a philosopher once observed: “For evil to succeed, all that is needed is for good men to do nothing”.
— David Eugene Perry