Important Update |Victor/Victoria at Castro Theatre
SUBJECT: Important Update |Victor/Victoria at Castro Theatre
See you tonight for Victor/Victoria at the Castro Theatre!
Unfortunately, due to the weather, Lesley Ann Warren wasn’t able to make her flight to San Francisco and will not be able to be there for tonight’s show. She was really looking forward to spending the evening with you all and wishes everyone a great show!
If you purchased the Meet & Greet package via TicketWeb, refunds for the meet & greet portion will be fulfilled automatically. Please allow up to 30 days from cancellation announce date for refund to post. ALSO! We still have a limited edition event poster for you. Please come to the box office before you enter to pick one up.
The night will still feature the iconic organist David Hegarty and pre-show by D’Arcy Drollinger, Matthew Martin and more. Don’t forget to dress up and get ready to sing-a-long with your hosts Laurie Bushman and Toby Moore.
Box Office: 5:30pm
Doors: 6:00pm
Organist David Hagerty: 6:45pm
Pre-show: 7:00pm
Victor/ Victoria Screening: 8:00pm
We look forward to seeing you at the show!
From your friends at The Castro Theatre.