Groundbreaking First-Ever MOU Between Chinese Central Government Body & U.S. City
Groundbreaking First-Ever MOU Between Chinese Central Government Body & U.S. City
San Francisco, CA—Mayor Edwin M. Lee today announced that San Francisco signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the 3rd Annual US-China Energy Efficiency Forum in Beijing, China with the Chinese government’s top economic planning body, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). San Francisco’s signing partner for the MOU about sustainable development and energy efficiency is NDRC’s National Energy Conservation Center (NECC). U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke, NDRC Vice Chairman Xie Zhenhua, and U.S. Department of Energy Acting Under-Secretary David Sandalow joined the MOU signing.
“This marks the first MOU between a Chinese central government entity and a U.S. city, demonstrating the importance San Francisco plays as a global leader in energy efficiency and sustainability,” said Mayor Lee. “The agreement provides high-level Chinese central government support for cross-border investment into sustainable development projects and energy efficiency technologies, while also encouraging an increase in joint energy efficiency research and demonstration projects to support a more sustainable planet.”
“We believe this historic MOU provides a unique opportunity for Chinese cities to learn from San Francisco and to more generally deepen ties between our two nations,” said NECC Director General Li Yangzhe. “We couldn’t be more pleased to sign the MOU with the City and Country of San Francisco.”
ChinaSF initiated San Francisco’srelationship with NDRC and NECC during the Bay Area’s 2nd U.S.–ChinaEnergy Efficiency Forum last year. The U.S.–China Framework for the Ten-Year Cooperation on Energy and Environment, a collection of initiatives announced in 2009 by President Barack Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao, resulted in both the MOU and the Forum.
“The energy efficiency and sustainable development industries are key for San Francisco and China’s economic development. Establishing a bi-lateral agreement with China’s central government around these themes is a major accomplishment for our City,” said San Francisco Office Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) Director Jennifer Matz, who led a delegation of San Francisco government and private sector leaders in energy conservation to the Beijing forum and signed the MOU on behalf of the City of San Francisco.
“This is a great honor and opportunity for San Francisco to share our insight with the most populated country in the world as they try and manage their energy demand,” said San Francisco Department of Environment Director Melanie Nutter, whose office will implement the MOU for San Francisco with OEWD.
“ChinaSF congratulates all parties on this landmark achievement. We look forward to utilizing this unprecedented agreement to guide more Chinese investment and businesses into our City,state and country while also helping facilitate the exchange of best practices in energy conservation,” said ChinaSF Executive Director Darlene Chiu Bryant.
About ChinaSF
With offices in Beijing, Shanghai and San Francisco, ChinaSF is a public-private initiative of the San Francisco Center for Economic Development (SFCED) in close partnership with the San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD), supported by funding from private sector partners. Its goal is to attract and retain Chinese investment and business expansion into San Francisco and the Bay Area, and to also support regional businesses in their business effort sin China. For more information, go to: www.chinasf.org
旧金山市长新闻办公室, 415-554-6131
旧金山市驻华办公室媒体联系人: David Perry / (415) 693-0583 / news@davidperry.com
旧金山,加州——-今天,李孟贤市长宣布旧金山市在北京第三届中美能效论坛上与中国政府高层经济规划部门,国家发改委员会,签署了关于能源效率与可持续发展的谅解备忘录。旧金山的协议伙伴为发改委下的国家节能中心。美国大使骆家辉, 发改委副主任解振华和美国能源部代理副部长大卫桑德罗 (David Sandalow) 都共同见证了协议的签署。
旧金山市驻华办公室 (ChinaSF) 与中国国家发改委和中国国家节能中心的合作关系始于2011年在旧金山湾区举行的第二届中美能效论坛。此项谅解备忘录与中美能效论坛都源自于2009美国总统奥巴马与中国主席胡锦涛联合声明的中美在能源与环境问题上的十年合作框架。
‘能源效率与可持续发展产业对于中国与旧金山的经济发展十分重要。与中国中央政府在这些主题上建立双边共识对于我们城市是一个了不起的成就,’旧金山经济与劳动力发展部主任马捷俐 (Jennifer Matz)说。 马捷俐女士带领了一个包括旧金山政府与节能环保企业的代表团来到北京的能效论坛,代表旧金山市签署了此项谅解备忘录。
‘这对于旧金山市是一个莫大的荣幸,也是一个难得的机会,让我们与世界上人口最高的国家在能源问题上进行交流,尤其是中国正在尝试管理他们的能源需求,’旧金山环保局局长Melanie Nutter说到。旧金山环保局将会协助旧金山市经济与劳动力发展部门,推进谅解备忘录的跟进与落实。
关于旧金山市驻华办公室 (ChinaSF) 旧金山市驻华办公室是一项旧金山市经济与劳动力发展部门和旧金山经济发展中心之间的半公半私的合作项目,在旧金山,北京,上海三地设有办事处,主要资金由私企赞助提供。这个办公室的主要目标为吸引和促进中国的企业到旧金山湾区进行商务往来和投资,同时支持旧金山湾区当地的企业到中国的拓展。关于更多信息,请访问旧金山市驻华办公室的网页:www.chinasf.org