Get to Know ARKive
Get to Know ARKive
Tuesday, October 11 (6:00 – 8:45pm)
Google, 1400 Crittendon Lane, Mountain View, CA 94043
Wildscreen USA is hosting a special event at Google to introduce the SF Bay Area to the ARKive project – the Noah’s Ark for the Internet era. ARKive is a unique global initiative, gathering together the very best films and photographs of the world’s species into one centralized digital library to create a freely-accessible, audio-visual record of life on Earth. Dr. Sylvia Earle and Dr. J. Michael Fay will discuss the role of wildlife photos and films in education and conservation. John Hanke Vice President of Google Geo products (Maps, Earth, & more) will demonstrate a tour of the ARKive layer on Google Earth.
ARKive.org interactive stations will be available for attendees along with prizes, drinks and hors d’hoeuvres. A live web stream of the speaker presentations will be available from 7pm – 7:45pm PST on www.ustream.tv/channel/arkive
Event Program
6pm Registration, drinks, heavy hors d’hoeuvres, and experience ARKive at our four interactive stations
7-7:45pm Welcome from Wildscreen CEO Richard Edwards and Wildscreen USA COO Merove Heifetz Dr. Sylvia Earle & Dr. J. Michael Fay discuss the role of wildlife photos & films in education & conservation John Hanke, Vice President of Google Geo products (Maps, Earth, & more), demonstrates a tour of the ARKive layer on Google Earth
7:45-8:45pm Experience ARKive at our interactive stations (and win some prizes!), more drinks & hors d’hoeuvres