Wednesday, June 16, 2021
Contact: Mayor’s Office of Communications, mayorspressoffice@sfgov.org
San Francisco, CA — Coit Tower, the iconic white column defining the San Francisco skyline, will welcome visitors Thursday, June 17 for the first time in 15 months, Mayor London N. Breed announced today.
The 210-foot welcoming beacon, which also houses the largest Depression Era art collection in the U.S., normally sees up to 1,500 visitors a day. Health orders shuttered the National Historic Site March 15, 2020.
Coit Tower will resume selling tickets for elevator rides to its observation deck, where sightseers can enjoy 360-degree views of the City and the San Francisco Bay. Masks are required in the elevator.
Visitors can admire the 26 murals inside the tower’s base for free. The frescoes, which depict life in California during the Depression, were painted in 1934 by artists employed by the Public Works of Art Project, a precursor to the Works Progress Administration.
Guided tours of the artwork will be limited to six people at one time. Coit Tower’s gift shop and café kiosk will also re-open Thursday.
“From its panoramic views to the Depression Era frescoes painted on its walls, Coit Tower gives visitors a glimpse of the City’s breathtaking beauty and the resilience of its residents,” said Mayor Breed. “I’m thrilled to open this beloved landmark to the public again.”
The simple fluted tower is named for Lillie Hitchcock Coit, a famously eccentric patron of the City’s firefighters. Coit died in 1929, leaving a substantial bequest “for the purpose of adding to the beauty of the city I have always loved.” The funds were used to build both the tower and a monument to Coit’s beloved volunteer firefighters, in nearby Washington Square. Coit Tower was completed in 1933.
“Coit Tower is a special place—not just for tourists but locals who want to see their city in a new and awe-inspiring way. We’re grateful to be able to provide this experience to visitors again,” said San Francisco Recreation and Park Department General Manager Phil Ginsburg.
Coit Tower is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. everyday. For more information, visit Coit Tower online.