Blank Boy Canvas, Tian Tian Xiang Shang (天天向上)
media contact: David Perry / (415) 676-7007 / news@davidperry.com
Blank Boy Canvas, Tian Tian Xiang Shang (天天向上)
by internationally renowned artist Danny Yung (榮念曾)
sponsored by the Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office San Francisco (香港駐三藩市經濟貿易辦事處) and Zuni Icosahedron (進念二十面體)
Exhibition at San Francisco’s Chinese Historical Society Museum May 19-June 4, 2016
17 May 2016 – San Francisco, CA: The Chinese Historical Society of America Museum (CHSA) is pleased to announce the opening of Blank Boy Canvas, Tian Tian Xiang Shang (天天向上) by internationally renowned artist Danny Yung (榮念曾) sponsored by the Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office San Francisco (香港駐三藩市經濟貿易辦事處) and Zuni Icosahedron (進念二十面體), this exhibition will be on view at CHSA from May 19-June 4. The public is invited to a special opening reception on Friday, May 20, 2016 from 5 pm to 7 pm. CHSA is located at 965 Clay St., San Francisco, CA 94108. Admission is free.
A collaboration that combines the iconic character as a canvas for the creative mind, Tian Tian, has already toured Toronto, Mexico City, and Chicago for its North American tour. According to Danny Yung, “I have always wanted to stimulate and inspire our society to be more innovative through creativity, and hope that creativity could help promote and maintain public spaces, to stimulate thinking and enhance communication, to create a more open, equal and interactive platform.” CHSA is excited to be a venue for this unique artistic experience. For more information please visit https://curiousandcreative.com/artists/
Tian Tian brings new attention in the San Francisco Bay Area to the amazing level of creativity coming out of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, the origin point for so many in our community, is one of the leading business and cultural destinations in the world today. As such Tian Tian provides a tremendous opportunity for creating good will and building relationships between San Francisco and Hong Kong, two cosmopolitan symbols of our Asia Pacific era.
About Danny Yung:
Danny Yung is an experimental art pioneer, the founder and Co-Artistic Director of Zuni Icosahedron and the creator of Tian Tian Xiang Shang conceptual comics, figure and sculpture. Danny attended the University of California at Berkeley and obtained a bachelor’s degree in architecture. He then went to graduate school at Columbia University, where he studied urban planning and earned a master’s degree in urban design. He returned to Hong Kong in the late 70’s and has been devoting himself to all aspects of the arts. In the past 30 years he has been deeply involved in many different fields of the arts, particularly theatre, cartoon, film and video, and visual and installation art.
Chinese Historical Society of America Museum:
The Chinese Historical Society of America Museum is the oldest organization in the country dedicated to the interpretation, promotion, and preservation of the social, cultural and political history and contributions of the Chinese in America. CHSA pursues this mission through exhibitions, publications, and educational and public programs in the CHSA Museum and Learning Center, a landmark Julia Morgan-designed building (formerly the Chinatown YWCA) located at 965 Clay Street, San Francisco.
@blankboycanvas (Twitter & Instagram)