BuildOUT CA and L.A. Metro to Host Event at L.A. Union Station to Discuss LGBTQ+ Contractors Participation in Metro Contract Opportunities
Media Contact:
David Perry & Associates, Inc. / (415) 676-7007 /
Jose Ubaldo, Metro Media Relations (213) 922-3087

BuildOUT CA and L.A. Metro to Host Event at L.A. Union Station to Discuss LGBTQ+ Contractors Participation in Metro Contract Opportunities
3 November 2022 – Los Angeles, CA: BuildOUT CA and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) will convene an event – today, Thursday, November 3, 2022 – at Los Angeles Union Station to discuss a historic invitation for LGBTQ+ contractors to do business with Metro.
BuildOUT CA, the nation’s premier LGBTQ+ construction industry association and Metro, one the nation’s largest transportation agencies, will collaborate for the first time to increase the pool of qualified LGBTQ+ contractors, consultants, and material suppliers bidding on design, construction and maintenance contract opportunities issued by the agency.
“This collaboration is historic on a number of levels,” stated Paul Pendergast, President of BuildOUT California. “In addition to safely moving over 800,000 passengers a day, Metro is one of California’s largest economic engines with an annual budget of over $8 billion, which generates thousands of jobs within the design and construction industry,” he stated. “Until recently, the contributions of LGBTQ+ businesses and workers within the construction industry have been invisible. This collaboration is going to be a ‘game-changer’ on the statewide, national, and international level.”
The event to launch this landmark collaboration will take place on Thursday, November 3, 2022, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Union Station’s Ticket Concourse Room. Interested parties wishing to attend this event must register at
“At Metro, we are always looking to establish new partnerships with small, disadvantaged and veteran business enterprises,” said Glendale City Council Member and Metro Board Chair Ara J. Najarian. “BuildOUT CA provides us with another opportunity for us to partner with qualified firms, especially women seeking Metro contract opportunities.”
Metro will invite BuildOUT California’s LGBTQ+ & Allied Associates to participate in technical assistance training programs, small business support services and events focused on building relationships with new, and future, prime contractors who are building competitive teams to pursue contracts in the competitive bidding process at Metro. Metro and BuildOUT California will also distribute materials related to contract opportunities in planning, design, engineering, construction and program management, cost controls, construction services, material supplies, and maintenance.
“One of the ways we’re focused on inclusion and belonging is by ensuring our contractors are reflective of the communities we serve, and that includes LGBTQ+, minority, women-owned and other small business enterprises. Metro is working with BuildOUT California to ensure that all communities have access to the multitude of opportunities available through contracting with Metro,” said Metro CEO Stephanie Wiggins.
“My construction and project management firm has grown substantially as a result of Metro’s SBE Prime programs and their commitment to small and disadvantaged firms,” stated Marcy Szarama, President of Los Angeles-based corporation Destination Enterprises. “As a woman, and a member of the LGBTQ+ community, we have been able to break through some of the concrete ceilings found within the construction industry, but we have a long way to go,” she added. “Metro has so much construction work coming up as we prepare for the 2028 Olympics that we need to continue building the pool of qualified firms bidding on these projects and LGBTQ+ firms bring great talent, innovation and cost-effective services to the construction industry.”
Metro serves as transportation planner and coordinator, designer, builder, and operator for Los Angeles County and BuildOUT California ( is the world’s largest industry association dedicated to the sustainable development of LGBTQ+ & Allied businesses in Architecture, Engineering, Construction-services, and Real Estate Development.
Metro’s Diversity & Economic Opportunity Department (DEOD) is a unit of Vendor/Contract Management. DEOD is responsible for all of Metro’s small business programs, including MetroConnect. Its role is to champion ingenuity, commitment and can-do spirit within Metro and to the larger community. It does this by notifying about contract opportunities, promoting transparency in our procurement processes, advocating for a level-playing field and fostering improved communications. For more information about DEOD, visit:
Interviews Scheduled Upon Request:
Paul Pendergast, President, BuildOUT California
Marcy Szarama, President, Destination Enterprises & Co-Chair, BuildOUT California Transportation Working Group (TWG)
About Metro
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) is building the most ambitious transportation infrastructure program in the United States and is working to greatly improve mobility through its Vision 2028 Plan. Metro is the lead transportation planning and funding agency for L.A. County and carries about 800,000 boardings daily on a fleet of 2,200 low-emission buses and six rail lines.
Stay informed by following Metro on The Source and El Pasajero at,, and and
About BuildOUT California
BuildOUT California is the world’s first LGBTQ+ Industry Association dedicated to the sustainable growth of LGBTQ+-owned & certified businesses, and our allies, in the fields of Architecture, Engineering, Construction Services, Real Estate Development, and Related Industries.