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5th Annual Fisherman’s Wharf PIERsafe Emergency Expo and Drill

Fisherman's Wharf CBD

5th Annual Fisherman’s Wharf PIERsafe Emergency Expo and Drill

WHO: Fisherman’s Wharf Community Benefit District in partnership with the SF Fire Department and SF Department of Emergency Management

Remarks by: SF Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White & Fisherman’s Wharf CBD Director Kevin Carroll

WHEN: Friday, October 14, 9am-11am*

WHERE: San Francisco’s Aquatic Park, located at Hyde and Jefferson Streets

The 5th Annual PIERsafe community-wide emergency response practice drill is designed to help prepare Fisherman’s Wharf and its residents, tourists and businesses in case of an emergency or natural disaster. This event is open to all interested Fisherman’s Wharf employers, their employees and residents in the Fisherman’s Wharf neighborhood. The Safety Expo will provide information to local residents, businesses and employees about tools that they have at their disposal from NERT (Neighborhood Emergency Response Teams) training to emergency preparedness kits

ABOUT PIERsafe: The Fisherman’s Wharf Community Benefit District and the Fisherman’s Wharf Merchants Association banded together to create the PIERsafe committee to develop an emergency preparedness and response plan for the community. The PIERsafe committee also works with the San Francisco Fire Department in providing Neighborhood Emergency Response Training sessions especially designed for the business owners, merchants and residents of the Fisherman’s Wharf. The PIERsafe committee meets on the first Wednesday of each month in Scoma’s Restaurant at 9am. For more information on the PIERsafe committee email

Get to Know ARKive


Get to Know ARKive

Tuesday, October 11 (6:00 – 8:45pm)

Google, 1400 Crittendon Lane, Mountain View, CA 94043

Wildscreen USA is hosting a special event at Google to introduce the SF Bay Area to the ARKive project – the Noah’s Ark for the Internet era. ARKive is a unique global initiative, gathering together the very best films and photographs of the world’s species into one centralized digital library to create a freely-accessible, audio-visual record of life on Earth. Dr. Sylvia Earle and Dr. J. Michael Fay will discuss the role of wildlife photos and films in education and conservation. John Hanke Vice President of Google Geo products (Maps, Earth, & more) will demonstrate a tour of the ARKive layer on Google Earth. interactive stations will be available for attendees along with prizes, drinks and hors d’hoeuvres. A live web stream of the speaker presentations will be available from 7pm – 7:45pm PST on

Event Program

6pm Registration, drinks, heavy hors d’hoeuvres, and experience ARKive at our four interactive stations

7-7:45pm Welcome from Wildscreen CEO Richard Edwards and Wildscreen USA COO Merove Heifetz Dr. Sylvia Earle & Dr. J. Michael Fay discuss the role of wildlife photos & films in education & conservation John Hanke, Vice President of Google Geo products (Maps, Earth, & more), demonstrates a tour of the ARKive layer on Google Earth

7:45-8:45pm Experience ARKive at our interactive stations (and win some prizes!), more drinks & hors d’hoeuvres

Ginny Fang Appointed CEO of San Francisco Bay Area Regional Center


Ginny Fang Appointed CEO of San Francisco Bay Area Regional Center

ChinaSF Executive Director Has Built Business Between San Francisco and Chinac During Her Tenure

7 October 2011 — San Francisco, CA: Ginny Fang, Executive Director of ChinaSF (, has been named CEO of the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Center. Fang, who has led the public-private partnership,ChinaSF, for the last two years, has expanded San Francisco’s presence throughout China and successfully opened ChinaSF offices in Beijing and Shanghai. In her new role, Fang will continue to work with cross-border trade between China and San Francisco, but will narrow her focus to bringing foreign direct investment dollars into San Francisco and Bay Area-based projects.

“ChinaSF is a national leader in how government and business can work together to create jobs and grow an economy,” said Fang. “I am proud of everything that we have achieved, and look forward to supporting continued success for ChinaSF as a Board member. Furthermore, the experience gained from my work with ChinaSF will help jump start our efforts at the SFBA Regional Center. I am humbled at the support and trust given me by both institutions.”

“We are very excited to have someone as skilled and personable as Ginny to lead this organization,’’ said Steven Kay, president of SFBARC.

In addition to Kay, former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown is also a principal in the newly formed San Francisco Bay Area Regional Center. The SFBA Regional Center is a federally-designated center to utilize the EB-5 program to bring foreign capital in the San Francisco Bay Area while focusing on job creation.

About ChinaSF With offices in Beijing, Shanghai and San Francisco, ChinaSF is a public-private initiative of the San Francisco Center for Economic Development (SFCED), in close partnership with the City of San Francisco’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD), supported by funding from private sector partners. Its goal is to attract and retain Chinese investment and business expansion into San Francisco and the Bay Area, and to also support San Francisco Bay Area businesses in their business efforts in China. Between 2008 and 2011, amidst one of the worst financial crises in history, ChinaSF successfully facilitated the expansion of 13 companies to San Francisco, and helped over a dozen Bay Area-based companies make important business connections in China. In addition to the financial investment into the Bay Area, ChinaSF’s efforts have directly created over 130 jobs for the Bay Area not counting any resulting multiplier effects and benefits.

About the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Center The San Francisco Bay Area Regional Center is a federally designated center to assist foreign nationals in obtaining permanent U.S. residency under the federal EB-5 program. That program is designed to encourage the flow of foreign capital into the U.S. economy and assist in domestic job growth. Under the EB-5 visa program, foreign investors can receive immigration benefits for investing $1 million, or $500,000 for Targeted Employment Areas, in the United States. Those investments must be shown to create at least 10 full-time jobs. Through the program administered by SFBARC, investors and their qualifying family members are offered the prospect, but not a guarantee, of lawful permanent residence in the United States.

Marines showcase humanitarian aid capabilities

Fleet Week

Marines showcase humanitarian aid capabilities at Marina Green

San Francisco, Calif. – Marines and sailors participating in San Francisco Fleet Week will display their humanitarian aid capabilities and equipment at Marina Green, Oct. 8 and 9.

Marines and sailors of Camp Pendleton’s Combat Logistics Regiment 17 will be on hand to provide information and demonstrate the resources the Navy/Marine Corps team can provide on short notice for crisis response.

The people of San Francisco are invited to visit Marina Green to tour military vehicles, learn how shock trauma medical platoon provides critical care quickly, and drink San Francisco Bay water made potable by the Tactical Water Purification System.

The San Francisco Fleet Week Association’s mission is to focus on humanitarian assistance and disaster response preparations by developing relationships between the Navy/Marine Corps team, Bay Area first responders and the people of San Francisco.

In the event of a natural disaster, additional heavy equipment and medical personnel will be needed in the bay area. The humanitarian village will demonstrate what types of resources the Southern California-based Marines and sailors could carry up to San Francisco on short notice.

The display will be set up from 9:30 to 5 on Saturday and Sunday.

Media interested in arranging an escort to or broadcasting live from the displays may contact 1st Lt. Eric Flanagan, 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade Public Affairs Officer, at or 760-212-6203.

Navy and Marine Corps team shows medical capabilities

Fleet Week

Navy and Marine Corps team shows medical capabilities to San Francisco first responders

San Francisco, Calif. – Navy and Marine Corps personnel are scheduled to showcase medical capabilities to San Francisco first responders during San Francisco Fleet Week, Oct. 7.

The Navy will present its medical capacities aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard at Pier 30/32 from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. and the Navy-Marine Corps team will be presenting their emergency response capabilities at Marina Green from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.

The medical “peer to peer” event will include presentations and simulations focusing on how the military provides surge medical support in the aftermath of a natural disaster.

Topics of discussion will include emergency response, mass casualty support and coalition support, resuscitation and stabilization, patient evacuation and en route care, as well as a brief on future medical initiatives and an opportunity for questions and answers.

In the event of an earthquake local infrastructure may not be able to provide enough medical care to victims. The equipment U.S. Navy and Marine Corps could provide to help transport and care for those involved in a disaster will be on display.

San Francisco Fleet Week is an opportunity to showcase the Navy-Marine Corps team’s ability to provide the people of San Francisco the medical support they may need in case of a catastrophe.

The San Francisco Fleet Week Association’s mission is to focus on humanitarian assistance and disaster response preparations by developing relationships between the Navy/Marine Corps team and Bay Area first responders.

Media interested in attending the peer to peer medical exchange training Friday, Oct. 7, may contact 1st Lt Eric Flanagan, 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade Public Affairs Officer, at or 760-212-6203.