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Waterfront Walk: A Legacy in Stone at the Port of San Francisco

Port of San Francisco

Waterfront Walk: A Legacy in Stone at the Port of San Francisco

Commemorative, Personalized Bricks to be Featured Part of Pier 27 Park Along The Embarcardero

3 December 2013 – San Francisco, CA: For 150 years, the Port of San Francisco has welcomed the world to its waterfront. Now, local residents and businesses can be part of that effort through a new and unique program that allows citizens to welcome the world to the City’s newest public park and Waterfront Walk at Pier 27 adjacent to the new James R. Herman Cruise Terminal. Helping fund the park is a campaign by which personalized bricks are purchased online at

“We think a commemorative brick for the Waterfront Walk is a perfect way to memorialize so many that have worked and enjoyed our waterfront from the Gold Rush era to present day,” said Monique Moyer, Executive Director of the Port of San Francisco, noting that several Port officials and colleagues had already put in their orders for the project. “This is a great way for everyone that has walked the walk in preserving San Francisco’s vital waterfront to be recognized proudly and permanently.” 

When the new park opens in fall 2014, the Waterfront Walk will be a major feature of the design with two sizes of bricks available for purchase: 4 inches by 8 inches ($150) and 8 inches by 8 inches ($300). The purchase is tax-deductible. After installation of the Waterfront Walk, a locator map will be provided to assist individuals and businesses in finding their brick.

“This is the definition of a once-in-a-lifetime offer,” said Renée Martin, Port Public Relations Manager, confirming that there is a limited space available for the installation of the Waterfront Walk. “We expect to sell out and already interest is high, so don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of San Francisco history.”

In addition to online orders, commemorative bricks for the Waterfront Walk can also be purchased by phone 1-855-PORT-BRX (855-767-8279). For more information or questions, please send an email to Additionally, bricks may be purchased by mail or by sending a check to: SFACOC Port Brick Campaign • Fulfillment Center • P.O. Box 6578 • Boise, ID 83707.

Ten Percent – TV Listing. November 2013

Ten Percent

Ten Percent – TV Listing. November 2013

Ten Percent — LGBT-TV for Northern California

Mondays – Fridays, 11:30am & 10:30pm and Saturdays & Sundays at 10:30pm on Comcast Hometown Network Channel 104 in Northern California.

Episode # 209
Monday — Friday, November 4 – 8, 11:30am & 10:30pm
Saturday & Sunday, November 9 – 10, 10:30pm

David Perry speaks with Andrew Nance director of the new stage play My Beautiful Laundrette, based on the movie of the same title. David Perry discusses the ‘dos and don’ts” of a successful hair style with SF’s hottest salonist Timothy Scott. David Perry sits down with Greg Sherell, morning show personality and radio host on 99.7 NOW.

Episode # 210
Monday — Friday, November 11 – 15, 11:30am & 10:30pm
Saturday & Sunday, November 16 – 17, 10:30pm

David Perry interviews John Murphy, co-founder of the University of Phoenix and author of the seminal new book Mission Forsaken: The University of Phoenix Affair with Wall Street.

Episode # 211
Monday — November 18 – 22, 11:30am & 10:30pm
Saturday & Sunday, November 23 – 24, 10:30pm

David Perry speaks with Neil Giuliano, CEO of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and author of the book The Campaign Within. Perry also interviews Jules Plumadore, community advocate for the the Mental Health Association of San Francisco.

Episode # 212
Monday — Friday, November 25 – 29, 11:30 am & 10:30pm
Saturday & Sunday, November 30 – December 1, 10:30pm

David Perry talks to Dennis Lickteig, director of the hilarious puppet show Avenue Q. Perry also speaks with Desmond Miller, president of Bears of San Francisco.

Episode # 213
Monday — Friday, December 2 – 6, 11:30 am & 10:30pm
Saturday & Sunday, December 7 – 8, 10:30pm

David Perry interviews Gary Virginia, community fundraiser and activist.

Ten Percent is also available 24/7 through the “On Demand” Feature through your Comcast Cable Network. Choose “Get Local” and “Comcast Hometown” to access Ten Percent. Past shows may also be viewed online at

Become a fan on Facebook: 10 Percent on Facebook

About 10 Percent

Comcast Hometown Network (CHN), Comcast’s regional cable network covering Northern and Central California, continues its commitment to quality original programming with Ten Percent, a weekly interview series that focuses on lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender (LGBT) issues. The half-hour show, created and hosted by long-time San Francisco media professional David Perry, airs on Channel 104, Mondays – Thursdays at 11:30am & 8pm and is available to all Comcast digital cable customers throughout Northern and Central California. Each episode will then be available online at as well as on Comcast’s popular ON DEMAND platform, which is free to Comcast digital customers. To view Ten Percent ON DEMAND, Comcast Digital Cable customers can tune to Channel 1 on their Digital Cable lineup or press the ON DEMAND button on their remote control, then click on the “Get Local” section, then click on “Comcast Hometown.”

“I jokingly call the show ‘Charlie Rose for the LGBT world,” said David Perry, Producer/Host of Ten Percent. “We may be only ten percent of the general population, in round numbers, but our issues are one hundred percent front-and-center in today’s world. Whether it’s the fight for marriage equality or debates about gay clergy or the right to serve openly in uniform, our issues are reflective of the world at large.”

“David has a well-known and unique voice that bridges many communities,” said Jason Holmes, Executive Producer at Comcast Hometown Network. “David’s talents and the launch of Ten Percent further enhance Comcast’s commitment to our communities and Comcast Hometown Network’s compelling, community-based regional programming,”


Trolley Dances



Presented by Kim Epifano’s Epiphany Productions

Starting at The Market Street Railway Museum:
77 Steuart Street at Don Chee Way just south of the Embarcadero Plaza. 
Trains K,L,M or the F line

Saturday & Sunday, October 19 & 20: Every 45 minutes, 11am to 2:45pm


Please note: high-res jpegs are available at:

Media Contact: DP&A, Inc. / David Perry (415) 693-0583 /

“This particular kind of site-specific project, one that incorporates dance, music, and theatrical elements in untraditional ways, has brought special meaning to the artists and communities that have participated in it over the last 10 years,” says Kim Epifano, Artistic Director of Epiphany Productions and organizer of the annual event, which has become a highlight of the Fall arts season. “It really is ‘Art for Citizens’ because it is free, of high quality, and it makes people fall in love with the city again, or for the first time, if they’ve never been here before.”

Audiences will join tours of the performances on selected MUNI trolley lines along the Market Street corridor, beginning at The Market Street Railway Museum, 77 Steuart Street at Don Chee Way, just south of Embarcadero Plaza, across from the Ferry Building. The audience will board trolleys with SFTD tour guide to take the F, K, L or M MUNI trolley lines, riding up Market Street to Church Street, with dance performances en route. Audience members can take the full tour or see one or two events along the way, at their own pace. Performances are accessible to passersby at no cost, or for those who choose to arrive by car, foot, or bicycle to each site. Bicyclists can make use of a do-it-yourself-bike route map to each location, available at the event’s starting point, end point, and online. All sites are wheelchair accessible (wheelchair accessibility for the full trolley tour is at 11am Saturday and Sunday). Tours depart from the Market Street Museum at the foot of Market Street every 45 minutes, beginning at 11:00 am and continuing to 2:45 pm (11:00 am, 11:45 am, 12:30 pm, 1:15 pm, 2:00 pm, 2:45 pm). Tickets are regular MUNI fare: $2 general, $.75 for children, seniors and persons with disabilities. Tours will be on a first come, first serve basis. Spaces are limited.

Dancers include: Epiphany Productions Sonic Dance Theater, Inkboat, Lizz Roman and Dancers, Jean Isaacs San Diego Dance Theater, Tezkatlipoka Aztek Dance and Drum, Keith Terry & Corposonic, Maru Dojo: Aikido/BJJ and more TBA


Ten Percent – TV Listing. October 2013

Ten Percent

Ten Percent – TV Listing. October 2013

Ten Percent — LGBT-TV for Northern California

Mondays – Fridays, 11:30am & 10:30pm and Saturdays & Sundays at 10:30pm on Comcast Hometown Network Channel 104 in Northern California.

Episode # 204
Monday — September 30 – October 4, 11:30am & 10:30pm
Saturday & Sunday, October 5 – 6,, 10:30pm

David Perry speaks with George Ridgely about this year’s 40th Anniversary Castro Street Fair. Perry also interviews Howard & Leslie Flax, brother and sister owners of San Francisco’s iconic Flax Art & Design, this year celebrating its 75th anniversary.

Episode # 205
Monday — Friday, October 7 – 11, 11:30am & 10:30pm
Saturday & Sunday, October 12 – 13, 10:30pm

David Perry sits down with Marconi Calindas co-author of the children’s book Of Petals and Hope: Sonny Sunflower Triumphs Over Bullying. Perry also talks to David Sheve, writer and director of the animated LGBT history and music videos Hard Knock Rock.

Episode # 206
Monday — October 14 – 18, 11:30am & 10:30pm
Saturday & Sunday, October 19 – 20, 10:30pm

David Perry speaks with Kathy Wolfe and Barbara Verhage, owners of Wolfe video and Perry also talks with Lian Amaris, writer and director of the new hit play The Video Games Monologues.

Episode # 207
Monday — Friday, October 21 – 25, 11:30 am & 10:30pm
Saturday & Sunday, October 26 – 27, 10:30pm

David Perry speaks with legendary artist turned writer Trina Robbins about her new book, and the history of women cartoonists. Perry also sits down with Everett Donner of the New Century Chamber Orchestra.

Episode # 208
Monday — Friday, October 28 – November 1,, 11:30 am & 10:30pm
Saturday & Sunday, November 2 – 3, 10:30pm

David Perry speaks with Jason Galisatus, executive director of Bay Area Youth Summit. Perry also interviews Joseph Rocha about his time in the US Navy and his prominent role in the the fight to end DADT.

Ten Percent is also available 24/7 through the “On Demand” Feature through your Comcast Cable Network. Choose “Get Local” and “Comcast Hometown” to access Ten Percent. Past shows may also be viewed online at

Become a fan on Facebook: 10 Percent on Facebook

About 10 Percent

Comcast Hometown Network (CHN), Comcast’s regional cable network covering Northern and Central California, continues its commitment to quality original programming with Ten Percent, a weekly interview series that focuses on lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender (LGBT) issues. The half-hour show, created and hosted by long-time San Francisco media professional David Perry, airs on Channel 104, Mondays – Thursdays at 11:30am & 8pm and is available to all Comcast digital cable customers throughout Northern and Central California. Each episode will then be available online at as well as on Comcast’s popular ON DEMAND platform, which is free to Comcast digital customers. To view Ten Percent ON DEMAND, Comcast Digital Cable customers can tune to Channel 1 on their Digital Cable lineup or press the ON DEMAND button on their remote control, then click on the “Get Local” section, then click on “Comcast Hometown.”

“I jokingly call the show ‘Charlie Rose for the LGBT world,” said David Perry, Producer/Host of Ten Percent. “We may be only ten percent of the general population, in round numbers, but our issues are one hundred percent front-and-center in today’s world. Whether it’s the fight for marriage equality or debates about gay clergy or the right to serve openly in uniform, our issues are reflective of the world at large.”

“David has a well-known and unique voice that bridges many communities,” said Jason Holmes, Executive Producer at Comcast Hometown Network. “David’s talents and the launch of Ten Percent further enhance Comcast’s commitment to our communities and Comcast Hometown Network’s compelling, community-based regional programming,”

San Francisco Woman Has Been Missing Since Saturday morning, September 21

David Perry & Associates

San Francisco Woman Has Been Missing Since Saturday morning, September 21

Family asking for help locating Lynne Spalding who was last seen at San Francisco General Hospital

27 September 2013 – San Francisco, CA: The San Francisco Police Department and the family and friends of a San Francisco woman are asking for information and assistance in locating the woman who has been missing since Saturday, September 21, 2013. Lynne Spalding was admitted to San Francisco General Hospital on Thursday suffering complications from an infection. She was being checked on every 15 minutes by hospital personnel. Last seen at 10:15am Saturday morning, Spalding was not in her room and unable to be located at 10:30am, at which point San Francisco General staff alerted the authorities.

Spalding is 57 years old, Caucasian, 5’6” tall with long dark hair and weighs 105 pounds. At the time of her disappearance, she is believed to have been wearing blue jeans, black boots and a black sweatshirt with the words “San Francisco Pow Wow” embroidered on it. She may have been carrying a large black and white striped bag. Spalding speaks with a heavy British accent and is very thin and frail. Her friends and family are extremely concerned for her safety as she is on medication and was very confused when last seen.

Spalding has lived in San Francisco for several years and is mother to two grown children. A missing persons report has been filed with San Francisco Police Department, and anyone with information is asked to call Police Dispatch at (415) 553-0123 and reference case #130796086.

A Facebook page has also been setup with photos to help spread awareness and provide updates. Search “FINDLYNNE” on Facebook or visit