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SF Hotel Council 17th Annual Hotel Hero Awards

Media Contact: DP&A, Inc. / David Perry (415) 676-7007 /

SF Hotel Council 17th Annual Hotel Hero Awards

Friday, December 4: 12pm – 1pm (PST)

Virtual Awards Hosted by Emmy Award Winner Liam Mayclem

3 December 2020 — San Francisco, CA: In a year defined by every day acts of personal and professional heroism,  the Hotel Council of San Francisco ( presents the 17th Annual Hotel Hero Awards this Friday, December 4, 12pm – 1pm, (PST).  Hosted by Emmy Award winner Liam Mayclem, the virtual honors the brightest and best hospitality professionals in “The City That Knows How.” The widely anticipated event was initially scheduled for March 19th but delayed due to COVID.  The awardees are based on performance and service during the 2019 tourism season. The event is free:

There are no words adequate to express our admiration for and appreciation to all those who work in San Francisco’s hotel and hospitality industry,” said Kevin Carroll, Hotel Council President and CEO. “Everyone employed by our City’s hospitality industry is, and has been, a hero during a year when heroism was a daily choice. The individuals we celebrate through this event are shining examples of hospitality in a city known for being hospitable and welcoming.”

Established in 2003, the Hotel Hero awards were created to pay tribute to the people who dedicate their lives to the hospitality industry. As the largest industry in San Francisco, hotels and tourism directly impact the success of many businesses throughout San Francisco, supporting over 105,000 jobs. Honoree designations are: Rising Star, Unsung Hero, Beyond the Call of Duty, Sustainability, Community Spirit, the Werner Lewin Lifetime Achievement Award, the Operations Lifetime Achievement Award, The Department Manager Bob Begley Lifetime Achievement Award and the Hotel Executive Award.

“No matter how early the morning or challenging the job, our hospitality professionals are our ambassadors to the world,” said Mayor London N. Breed. “They are out every day promoting our city, supporting our economy, and ensuring that San Francisco continues to be a world-class tourist destination.”Presenting sponsor for this year’s event is Clearway Energy. Award sponsors are the Bay Club, Big Bus, Clearway Energy, Recology, San Francisco Travel, Swinerton, Tito’s Vodka and United Airlines.  Program sponsor is Cintas.Supporting Sponsors include David Perry & Associates, Inc., PSAV, Tito’s Vodka and Young’s Market Company.

The Hotel Council of San Francisco is a non-profit membership-based organization advocating for the economic and social vitality of the hospitality industry in San Francisco. With a membership roster of over 200 hotels, allied members, and partner organizations, the Council is dedicated to protecting the San Francisco hospitality industry and connecting its members to support its growth and success. 

Miracle Messages and Union Square BID to launch “Miracle Friends”

Media Contacts:
Kevin F. Adler, Miracle Messages /  /
(415) 545-8405

David Perry, Union Square BID / / (415) 676-7007

Miracle Messages and Union Square BID to launch “Miracle Friends”

First-of-its-kind Phone-Based “buddy system” designed to re-united people experiencing homelessness with support network

3 December 2020 — San Francisco, CA: Even E.T. could phone home with the help of his buddy Elliot. But, what if you had no home to phone?  What if you had no buddy? This Holiday Season, a newly launched pilot program from the esteemed nonprofit Miracle Messages ( partnering with the Union Square BID ( seeks to match volunteers with unhoused individuals through a first-of-its-kind phone-based buddy system for those experiencing homelessness in and around Union Square. Called “Miracle Friends Union Square” the initiative will kick off, virtually, on Thursday, December 3 at 11am (PST) via a Facebook training. Those interested in volunteering for the effort should go to:

“The need is especially acute because of COVID and especially poignant during the Holidays,” said Karin Flood, Executive Director of the Union Square BID.   “The goal of the program is to provide general companionship and social support for people experiencing the isolation of homelessness of which, sadly, there is a great deal here in the heart of San Francisco.”

Launched as a pilot program in late April 2020, Miracle Friends has matched 130 volunteers with unhoused individuals who have been moved into hotels during the pandemic. As the program expands in the coming months, additional participants will be added from current and future sites. To date, more than 250 volunteers have applied for training and matching through Miracle Friends. The program is currently active at numerous hotel sites and an affordable housing site for senior citizens in San Francisco, as well as sites in San Mateo County, Santa Cruz County, Sonoma County, and many others.

“Our goal is to match at least 50 unhoused individuals located in and around Union Square with trained volunteers for weekly phone calls and text messages, to provide general companionship and social support during COVID-19, and beyond,” explains Kevin F. Adler, Founder and CEO of Miracle Messages.  “Also, our flagship Miracle Messages reunion service will also be included in the training and support that volunteer friends receive through the Miracle Friends buddy system, in case any unhoused friends near Union Square are interested in reconnecting with their loved ones.”

Miracle Friends is currently operating in San Francisco in partnership with the San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, Urban Alchemy, Five Keys, Catholic Charities, Larkin Street Youth Services, Episcopal Community Services, Downtown Streets Team, and other local providers.

“Our neighbors experiencing homelessness are not problems to be solved, but people to be loved,” says Adler. “This partnership with the Union Square BID is part of our broader commitment to end relational poverty on our streets and show up for our unhoused neighbors with the same level of compassion and respect that we would want someone to show up for our own parents, siblings, children, or even ourselves.”

So, how does it work? Miracle Friends is 100% phone based. Volunteers can be based anywhere. If selected to participate, a volunteer is matched with an unhoused friend at a participating partner site, as well as a mentor from the Miracle Messages community. Through a partnership with cloud-based phone system Dialpad ( are assigned a new, secure, virtual phone number to make calls and text with their friend. The time commitment for volunteers is two to three hours a week, which includes the one-to-one calls, call logs, weekly group check-ins, and ongoing training and communication.

“Dialpad is committed to helping people maintain connections from anywhere, and we understand the importance of communication in times of need,” said Craig Walker, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Dialpad.We are proud to continue our work with Miracle Messages by offering our services to help those experiencing homelessness to stay connected during these trying times.” The process goes like this: The first step is to get in touch with the team at Miracle Friends by emailing Once a partner site is approved for the program, on-site case managers distribute copies of Miracle Friends’ client-facing flyer at the hotel, and then collect sign-ups and/or releases of information consent forms from interested participants. Once the matches have been made, volunteers complete a check-in log to share their conversation notes with mentors, and flag any potential issues for on-site staff at the partner site to follow-up.“Miracle Messages offer a humane way to help end homelessness, to reconnect families, strengthen local social support systems, shatter stigmas, and empower people everywhere to get involved,” says Adler, who started Miracle Messages in honor of his uncle, who lived on-and-off the streets for 30 years in Santa Cruz before he died. “We are on a mission to end relational poverty on the streets, and in the process, inspire people everywhere to embrace their homeless neighbors not as problems to be solved, but as people to be loved. “

Miracle Messages is a San Francisco-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that helps people isolated by homelessness rebuild their social support systems. Miracle Messages’ award-winning reunion service has helped more than 325 people experiencing homelessness reconnect with their loved ones, through short messages and a global network of volunteer “digital detectives.” Miracle Friends builds on the volunteer base and core values of Miracle Messages’ reunion service: that everyone is someone’s somebody. For a complete list of cities and counties where Miracle Friends is currently being piloted, please visit

The Union Square Business Improvement District (BID) serves members and creates a high-quality visitor experience by managing and activating public spaces, attracting new investment, and advocating for the District’s future success. Union Square is the vibrant heart of San Francisco and an international destination where visitors come to enjoy exceptional retail experiences, luxury hotels, world-class cultural institutions, and great public spaces found only in the City by the Bay. A lively 27-block community surrounding Union Square Park in the heart of San Francisco makes up the Union Square BID. It is generally bordered on the north by Bush Street, on the east by Kearny Street, on the south by Market Street and on the west Taylor Street. Within this service area there are approximately 600 parcels.  The original USBID was founded in 1999 and focused primarily on cleaning and safety issues. Today’s expanded USBID continues to recognize the need for providing cleaning and maintenance and critical public safety services, though has since added destination marketing, advocacy, beautification and capital improvement programs to enhance the experience of the Union Square area and contribute to a safer and more vibrant community. 

Critical Raves for David Eugene Perry’s Debut Novel Upon This Rock from Pace Press

Media Contact: Jaguar Bennett /

Critical Raves for David Eugene Perry’s Debut Novel
Upon This Rock from Pace Press

Mystery Thriller Inspired by Real Life Suicide That Shook Orvieto, Italy and Catholic Church Ten Years Ago Today

30 November 2020 – Fresno, CA: When author David Eugene Perry arrived to the Italian hilltop town of Orvieto on November 30, 2014, the tightknit community was still abuzz with a real life tragedy exactly four years earlier. On November 30, 2010, a beloved young deacon leapt from the cliffs of the historic Umbrian village in despair for having been denied the priesthood because of rumors he was gay.

“I became obsessed with the real life story of Luca Seidita,” said Perry, 59, whose just published critically-acclaimed mystery thriller Upon This Rock from Pace Press is dedicated to Seidita. “His suicide had an immediate, and lasting, impact on Orvieto and on the Catholic Church, who did their best to cover up the event.”

Digging into the young seminarian’s life and death soon led Perry into a deeper research, and fascination, with Orvieto itself, including a rich Etruscan, Roman and World War II history, not to mention Medici Pope Clement VII taking refuge there following the Sack of Rome in 1527. It was during his Orvieto sojourn that the Pope was presented with the request by English King Henry VIII for a divorce.

“When I heard that, literally, the idea for a novel exploring Church conflict and cover-up separated by 500 years dropped into my head,” said Perry, who along with his husband Alfredo Casuso have visited Orvieto often in the intervening years. “In a very real way, Orvieto is not a place in Upon This Rock. Orvieto is a character in several eras.”

Always slated for a September 2020 publication date, the book was only slightly delayed due to COVID-19, although the planned publication tour, including a return to Orvieto, were by force delayed due to travel restrictions.

“We’re hopeful to do an in-person launch event in Italy in the spring,” said Perry, who has been doing online Zoom readings, interviews and a social media campaign highlighting the book in locations around the world. “I know it’s been read in Orvieto, as friends have been sending me photos of my readers in spots around town that feature prominently in the book.”

Pandemic aside, sales have been brisk and reviews positive.

“It’s the best selling fiction book in pre-sale we’ve ever had,” said Kent Sorsky, publisher of Linden Publications / Quilldriver Books. “This is even more impressive given that David is a first-time author.”

The early reviews would seem to explain why.

Upon This Rock: an “elegant twisty thriller” (Armistead Maupin, author ofthe international sensation Tales of the City); “the gay DaVinci Code, but a lot better” (Fenton Johnson, Guggenheim Fellow, author of The Man Who Loved Birds); Upon This Rock is “for those readers who love Italy and who love crime fiction” (Lucinda Hawksley, great-great-great-granddaughter of Charles Dickens, author of Dickens’s Artistic Daughter, Katey); “Perry’s novel sparkles with campy wit but is written with serious clues that keep you reading. And, oh yes, because it is a mystery, there’s a killer of a surprise at the end. Move over, Sam Spade and Nick and Nora Charles. Welcome the new kids to the neighborhood, Lee and Adriano.(Will Snyder, Bay Area Reporter); Upon This Rock is “a perfect read for anyone who is into thrillers, mysteries and historical fiction, like John Grisham and Dan Brown for sure.”(Ankita Dasgupta, The Bookworm Resort); “This is a wild read. Perry’s ability to build suspense is impressive and the denouement of this thriller will not just surprise you, but literally stun.”(Erika Atkinson, author of Ode to the Castro).

“You will not find a more exquisite, captivating, well written first novel than David Eugene Perry’s Upon This Rock. I was literally hooked from the first chapter. Set in the Italian city of Orvieto, Perry takes us on a roller-coaster ride that begins with the Sixteenth Century papacy of the de Medici Pope, Clement VII, and then quickly plummets us to the present day. A wonderfully addictive and engrossing story with brilliant characters and an ending that will have you perusing your favorite bookstore looking for Perry’s next novel”(Dennis Koller, author of The Rhythm of Evil). “You will not be able to put his book down. It is a page-turner from the first sentence until the twisted unexpected ending.” (Lynn Ruth Miller, author of Getting the Last Laugh). In short, David Eugene Perry’s Upon This Rock is “A potboiler thriller with nail-biting suspense” (Lew J. Whittington, New York Journal of Books); a “sexy, historical thriller” (Julissa James, Nob Hill Gazette);”a love letter to Orvieto like Tales of the City is a love letter to San Francisco” (Eric Jansen, SF Bay Times & Out In the Bay).

“I always tell my own clients to not read their reviews,” laughs Perry, a longtime communications consultant and owner of an eponymous public relations business. “But, I have to admit, I’ve read a couple of mine and been greatly humbled. Plus, in the age of social media, I’m able to chat with my readers. Since COVID protocols don’t allow for in-person events at the moment, I autograph specially designed bookmarks and mail them out.”

What does Perry hope readers take away from his centuries spanning tale?

“Refugees,” says Perry, noting that the ongoing  migrant crisis in Europe is a major component of the novel and a constant backdrop. “Everyone in the book is a refugee of some sort, whether they’re fleeing war-torn African in flimsy rafts on the Mediterranean or someone trying to escape painful past sins or the memories of Orvieto’s occupation by the Nazis in World War II. None of the characters are who they first appear to be.”

And what of Luca Seidita, the real life young man who stepped off of the rock a year ago today?

“His story touched me greatly,” said Perry, who himself had considered the priesthood at one time in his life. “I hope, in some way, this book gives him a bit of literary life, albeit fictionalized.”

Upon This Rock by David Eugene Perry / 360 pages / $ 18.95 / Quilldriver Books, Fresno, CA.

The Luxury of Thanks

The Luxury of Thanks
by David Eugene Perry

Hindsight is


It has been said


2020 is almost 

Behind us 



A new year dawns

A new dawn yearns

To have 

Hindsight that is

Not 2020



A new year 

Is not yet


Here we are

Thanksgiving Eve:

People dying

People living

People hoping

People moping

People trying to 

Keep on keeping on

And yet….

With every breath

With every chance

To Breathe for those who “cannot breathe”

To live for those who no longer live

To take one second to say 

Thank You

To someone

To everyone who in


Kept on keeping on

So that we have the luxury of saying

Thank you.

Annual Holiday Lights Kick Off Season Around Union Square

Media Contact:  David Perry & Associates, Inc/David Perry  (415) 676-7007 / 

Tonight, Tuesday, November 24
Annual Holiday Lights Kick Off Season Around Union Square

Seasonal Events Take Creative, Virtual Turn but Traditions Continue in Union Square — “The Heart of San Francisco”

24 November 2020 — San Francisco, CA:  If ever there was a time to make the Season Bright – brighter than the year that has been – that time is now. With the Macy’s annual Holiday Tree fully lit, the San Francisco Police Department’s new community ambassadors and our own “Clean & Safe” team of Union Square Ambassadors on the job every day and evening to keep the public safe and informed, this is the week that San Francisco officially gets its Holidays on! Starting today, Tuesday, November 24 at sundown, the annual “Festival of Lights” kicks off across San Francisco, with Union Square and the surrounding area lit large with LED and other electronic displays to warm every heart.  The palm trees in Union Square Park are lit and oversize ornaments adorn Powell Street. Hallidie Plaza and Maiden Lane are also decked with seasonal designs and “snowflakes” will fall via impressive projections on the buildings surrounding the Square to give the public an immersive Holiday experience.

Additionally, while COVID protocols mandate social distancing, outdoor dining and constant attention to hygiene, the stores, restaurants and hotels in “The Heart of San Francisco” are very much open for your end-of-year shopping, relaxation, dining and mid-day unwind beneath the Macy’s Great Tree, now lit through the New Year.   Also, to make sure that everyone is prepared to safely enjoy the season, Union Square Ambassadors will be distributing masks, free of charge, to those in need and visitors to the Park. 

“Perhaps no other Holiday in the last 102 years will be more important, more memorable than this,” said Karin Flood, Executive Director of the Union Square Business Improvement District. “For over 170 years, Union Square has been the vibrant heart of San Francisco where memories are made. This year, those memories are even more precious. So, be smart, be careful but be aware that our shops, restaurants and hotels are open, ready and safe to serve you this Holiday Season. Plus, our ‘Shop & Dine’ program in the Square allows for people to get takeout food and enjoy it in the Square at our socially distanced tables, sanitized between every use.”

For more information on the ‘Shop & Dine’ program, people may go to

And, with Thanksgiving just two days away, these Union Square icons have special offers:

From digital doggies and cyber kittens, to Santa delivering curbside versus down your chimney, there’s a lot going on in Union Square that will make the 2020 Holiday Season historic and memorable.  Following is an list of the some of the special events taking place this Holiday Season.

Macy’s Holiday Windows (November 23 – January 6).   This year special videos of rescue animals and SF SPCA shelter alumni are featured for passersby at the corner of Stockton and O’Farrell as well as inside Macy’s and also for online viewing at  This year’s windows will also take the form of a thank you letter to first responders, essential workers, marchers for equality, and San Franciscans who showed their grit, good humor, and hopeful spirit during a tumultuous year. Throughout the season, several of our Animal Assisted Therapy pets will be making surprise visits at Macy’s. These specially trained therapy animals, accompanied by a volunteer and handler, are ready to make your holidays a little merrier. Keep an eye out when you’re shopping! Inside Macy’s, shoppers can take selfies at four “Instagrammable moment” stations featuring giant cutouts of cats and dogs. Learn about the animals’ stories and share the holiday joy with friends by using hashtag #SFSPCAholiday.   Holiday Windows is sponsored by Macy’s and Purina

Neiman Marcus Personalized Holiday Experiences: This holiday season, Neiman Marcus San Francisco is here for you with personalized experiences that celebrate the magic of the season and help curate unique gifts for everyone on your list. Whether customers prefer to shop in store or from the comfort of their home, Neiman Marcus’ top priority is providing unique holiday experiences to bring the magic to holiday gifting.  Also this year,  Neiman Marcus unveils a new and modern “Chandelier Tree” to celebrate the season and light up the store’s prominent four-story windows at Stockton and Geary Streets. And for customers looking to enjoy Neiman Marcus classics such as our popovers, chocolate chip cookies, or chicken broth, Neiman Marcus will be open Tuesdays through Saturdays for to-go orders from The Fresh Market. And the holidays just aren’t the same without a visit from Santa Claus. Neiman Marcus is helping customers continue this tradition by offering new, socially distant ways to see Saint Nick including by virtual appointment or curbside service. Starting on the Saturday after Black Friday and occurring every Saturday until Christmas from 12pm to 6pm customers who order curbside pickup can have their gifts hand delivered to their car by the jolly guy himself, Santa. Additionally, Neiman Marcus is creating safe and special experiences for customers who want a personalized moment in-store, including a Holiday Gift Lounge where customers can shop a curated selection of merchandise, a Social Distance Lounge where customers and their friends can enjoy champagne and holiday treats together while watching one of Neiman Marcus’ Virtual Holiday Events, which will run throughout November and December, and feature personal appearances from designers and holiday experts.  

The Westin St. Francisco Annual Donation Drive. For the last six years, San Francisco’s iconic Westin St. Francis has place donation boxes in its Powell Street lobby. This year, four charities have been selected: 

  • Since 1942, Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) has been creating partnerships between people, dogs, and communities. With exceptional client services and a robust network of instructors, puppy raisers, donors, and volunteers, they prepare highly qualified guide dogs to serve and empower individuals who are blind or visually impaired from throughout the United States and Canada.
  • De Marillac Academy believes that neighborhood of residence and socioeconomic status should not determine a child’s access to a quality education or ultimate success in life. De Marillac’s holistic program liberates students and graduates to lead lives of choice, meaning and purpose. Every day, De Marillac Academy unites philanthropists with low-income families to break the cycle of poverty through education.
  • Celebrating its 40th anniversary the Bay Area  Sports Hall of Fame (BASHOF) is committed to celebrating sports greatness while inspiring youth sports participation throughout under-served communities in the Bay Area. The first Enshrinement Banquet was held in 1980 and honored Bay Area sports legends Joe DiMaggio, Willie Mays, Hank Luisetti, Ernie Nevers and Bill Russell.   Today, 40 years later, the BASHOF Youth Fund has given more than $3 million dollars to over 500 youth organizations in the Bay Area.
  • Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. More than 10 million kids enter a children’s hospital like Children’s Hospital every year. To provide the best care for kids, children’s hospitals rely on donations and community support, as Medicaid and insurance programs do not fully cover the cost of care. Since 1983, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has helped fill those funding gaps by raising more than $7 billion, most of it $1 at a time through Miracle Balloon icon campaigns. Its various fundraising partners and programs support the nonprofit’s mission to save and improve the lives of as many children as possible.

The Westfield San Francisco Centre. Tree lightings, virtual scavenger hunts and more are planned this holiday season at Westfield San Francisco Centre. The shopping destination will welcome guests eager to safely experience their favorite traditions with family and friends by offering festive experiences, exclusive shopping events, and a variety of services designed to complement consumers’ online shopping. Westfield will continue to go the extra mile this holiday season by providing services and amenities designed to ensure that customers have a safe and seamless experience. Westfield San Francisco Centre will offer Curbside Pickup; Line Pass, a Westfield app-based virtual queuing and appointmentservice to help make visits to the center more efficient; gift wrapping; Ask An Elf (also known as Answers on the Spot); complimentary shopping bags; as well as Guest Service Ambassadors. Westfield San Francisco Centre kicked off the holiday season with the launch of Shop Your Heart Out, a 10-day program that drives donations to local charities by offering guests access to exclusive offers from multiple retailers throughout its centers—from discounted sales, to gifts with purchase, and more. These initiatives continue Westfield’s commitment to the local community through a program that was launched in March under the hashtag #WestfieldCares. Throughout the season, Westfield San Francisco Centre will have additional programs, such as the Bay Area’s first indoor Christmas Tree Farm, celebrity pop-ups, and shopping experiences specific to the local community. For more information about holiday events, hours, locations and resources, shoppers can visit 

  • This year, Westfield San Francisco Centre has partnered with One Warm Coat as the need for warmth this Winter will be greater than ever before. Gently worn coats will be graciously accepted at donation barrels located next to the Concierge on level 1, November 27 – December 31.
  • Another first for Westfield San Francisco Centre is the Westfield Holiday Hunt, an immersive, augmented reality scavenger hunt that brings the magic of the holidays to life using CGI technology. Guests will discover unique QR codes displayed throughout each center. When scanned, they will unlock exclusive, original characters and artwork such as a snowman concierge that welcomes and guides you on your hunt; a flying Santa sleigh; and customizable winter wonderland photo backgrounds. Shoppers will receive special discounts or offers from retailers throughout the center, following each experience they unlock.
  • Westfield San Francisco Centre will virtually “Light the Night” at its 5th annual Tree Lighting Ceremony Thursday, December 3 at 7pm. The 50-foot, chandelier-like tree, covered in crystals, first appeared in 2016. Hosted by Emmy Award Winning TV Personality & KTVU Meteorologist, Rosemary Orozco, the evening will include special performances from the Luminescent Grand Piano featuring Shaina Evoniuk with her LED Violin.

E&O Kitchen and Bar. The holidays are going to look different this year, but one thing you can count on is E&O’s Black Friday All Day Happy Hour! Shop til you drop then head our way foroysters, butternut squash dumplings, fritter bites, steamed pork buns, salt & pepper calamari, andtamarind hoisin glazed ribs. Keep cozy under our brand new parklet with one of our signaturecraft cocktails for $7, beer for $3.50 and wine by-the-glass for $4. E&O will also be bringing back Blue Fridaythis year. On Friday, November 27, when you buy one shot of Johnny Walker Blue Label Scotch Whisky with your meal, you’ll get a second on the house! National Fritter Day is December 2. E&O is going all out this year with brand new fritter focused menu items: fritter classics including E&O’s Famous Fritter Burger and Famous Indonesian Corn Fritter Bites and all day happy hour pricing on fritter items going for four days. Happy hour fritter pricing will be available all day, Wednesday, December 2 – Saturday, December 5. Order E&O dishes, drinks and unique pantry staples are all available on Toast, Door Dash, and Uber Eats for same-day pick-up and delivery orders Tuesday – Saturday, 11am – 7pm.

The Grand Hyatt San Francisco. Right on Union Square! Make Grand Hyatt San Francisco your holiday shopping destination with free parking and a Macy’s gift card!  Stay at Grand Hyatt San Francisco this holiday and enjoy free overnight self parking and a $25 gift card to Macy’s. The hotel is located just two minutes from Union Square directly across from Macy’s west coast flagship store. Self-parking for one vehicle and convenient in-and-out privileges is located at the Sutter Stockton garage located adjacent to the hotel. Safety enhancements for the well-being of all our guests and colleagues include protective masks, employee temperature checks, and hospital-grade disinfectants. 

About the Union Square BID:
The Union Square Business Improvement District (BID) serves members and creates a high-quality visitor experience by managing and activating public spaces, attracting new investment, and advocating for the District’s future success. Union Square is the vibrant heart of San Francisco and an international destination where visitors come to enjoy exceptional retail experiences, luxury hotels, world-class cultural institutions, and great public spaces found only in the City by the Bay. A lively 27-block community surrounding Union Square Park in the heart of San Francisco makes up the Union Square BID. It is generally bordered on the north by Bush Street, on the east by Kearny Street, on the south by Market Street and on the west Taylor Street. Within this service area there are approximately 600 parcels.  The original USBID was founded in 1999 and focused primarily on cleaning and safety issues. Today’s expanded USBID continues to recognize the need for providing cleaning and maintenance and critical public safety services, though has since added destination marketing, advocacy, beautification and capital improvement programs to enhance the experience of the Union Square area and contribute to a safer and more vibrant community.