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Author: Alfredo Casuso



Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Contact: Mayor’s Office of Communications,



Street Crisis Response Team has responded to over 5,000 calls related to people suffering from mental health and substance use issues on City streets

San Francisco, CA — Mayor London N. Breed, the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH), and the San Francisco Fire Department (SFFD) today marked the one-year anniversary of the launch of the Street Crisis Response Team (SCRT). SCRT has grown from a single team supporting the Tenderloin neighborhood to six teams providing San Francisco with 24/7 citywide coverage in one year. SCRT responds rapidly to people who are having a crisis on City streets with a behavioral health approach that deescalates situations and addresses a person’s immediate needs for care, treatment, and shelter. 

Data from the year show that SCRT has taken more than 5,000 calls and engaged with nearly 3,000 people in crisis. In early 2022, a seventh team with six additional staff will launch.

“The Street Crisis Response Team has proven that we can respond to calls of people in crisis with compassion and clinical skills without having to rely on emergency rooms, ambulances, and law enforcement,” said Mayor Breed. “Getting to the point when we can respond to everyone in need without continuing the cycle that keeps them in and out of our emergency rooms or our jails is going to take time. This anniversary is an important step forward and proves to cities and counties across the country seeking to replicate our model that it works.”

Demonstrating the program’s success as an alternative to law enforcement, SCRT diverted more than one-third of all 911 calls (38%) for “mentally disturbed persons” from law enforcement cumulatively during its first year of operation. With six teams launched, SCRT is now diverting over half (58%) of calls monthly for “mentally disturbed persons” from law enforcement. Once fully operational, SCRT seeks to divert 100% of calls.

“San Francisco is responding urgently with new approaches to transform how we deliver care to those hardest to reach and most in need,” said Dr. Grant Colfax, Director of Health. “Rather than wait for people to come to us, we are finding new, innovative ways of removing barriers to care by taking services directly to people in need. The Street Crisis Response Team shows that this approach works, and will build on our learnings from this first year of operation to further increase access to services and connect even more people in crisis to the resources they need.”

“The San Francisco Fire Department and our Community Paramedicine Division are incredibly proud of what SCRT has accomplished in its first year of operation,” said Chief Jeanine Nicholson of the San Francisco Fire Department. “Community Paramedicine is an emerging field in health care where paramedics operate in expanded roles to connect underserved populations to care. SCRT, like other community paramedicine programs of the San Francisco Fire Department, increase our ability to promote health and social equity among those with unmet medical, mental health, and social needs.”

Each SCRT team is staffed with a community paramedic from SFFD, a behavioral health clinician from HealthRIGHT360, and a peer specialist with lived experience from RAMS, Inc. (Richmond Area Multi-Services) who together have the range of specialty skills to engage on scene with a person in crisis. As of April 2021, SCRT is supported by a dedicated follow-up team that provides coordinated care linkages, often within 24-hours of the initial encounter. Since April, nearly a third (31%) of all people who interact with SCRT are successfully re-engaged with follow-up care such as being connected to a provider or treatment program.

SCRT is an important component of the City’s Mental Health SF initiative for improving the mental healthcare for people experiencing homelessness. Most people who SCRT serves (76%) are currently experiencing homelessness, a condition that puts them at significantly higher risk for negative health outcomes and creates challenges in accessing services and long-term mental health and medical care. SCRT’s street-based response offers a different approach from the traditional facility-based care by delivering support directly to communities.

If you see someone in a crisis, please call 911 and describe what you are seeing to the trained operators with the San Francisco Department of Emergency Services (DEM).  

More information about SCRT can be found at:




Tuesday, November 23, 2021 

Contact: Mayor’s Office of Communications, 



This year, Shop and Dine in the 49 campaign includes a holiday trolley tour with stops throughout commercial corridors to promote foot traffic and shopping 

San Francisco, CA — Mayor London N. Breed and the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD) today launched the eighth year of the “Shop and Dine in the 49” campaign, promoting shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of San Francisco this holiday season. As the City emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic and continues its economic recovery, the campaign aims to encourage residents to support small businesses.   

“San Francisco’s diverse small business community is what makes our City the special place we all know and love,” said Mayor Breed. “As we continue on our economic recovery this holiday season, it is more important now than ever before to shop local and support your favorite entrepreneurs and family-owned stores.” 

This year, the Shop and Dine in the 49 campaign promotes shopping at small businesses and neighborhood corridors throughout San Francisco. Beginning on Wednesday, December 1, in partnership with neighborhood merchant associations, a trolley car with Shop and Dine in the 49 decor will bring holiday festivities to different neighborhood shopping districts throughout the City over three weekends. OEWD’s City Hall Holiday Pop-Up will also return on December 7 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., featuring over 35 local artists and makers in partnership with the San Francisco Arts Commission.  

A schedule of the trolley tour, as well as a calendar of holiday-related events, activities, and promotions planned by local businesses and neighborhood shopping districts, can be found at

“The Holidays are a critical season for small retailers, restaurants, local manufacturers and artists, and the people they employ,” said Kate Sofis, Director, Office of Economic and Workforce Development. “As San Franciscans begin their holiday shopping this season, we’re encouraging residents and visitors alike to shop local by visiting our neighborhood corridors or by ordering online from local retailers. Our diverse merchants are the bedrock of our communities and our economy. By directing our spending locally, we will ensure this Holiday Season will be an important milestone for our City’s economic recovery from the impacts of COVID-19.” 

To support the promotion of the Shop and Dine in the 49 campaign, San Francisco introduced legislation sponsored by Supervisor Stefani to waive permit fees for businesses seeking to conduct sidewalk retail sales between December 4th and 5th and December 11th and 12th, two of the busiest shopping weekends during the holidays. 

“Small businesses are an essential part of what makes San Francisco such a vibrant and desirable place to live, work and visit,” said District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani. “As we emerge from the pandemic, we must do everything we can to support our local, small businesses to ensure they fully recover. I urge every single San Franciscan to join me and Shop and Dine in the 49 this holiday season.” 

Additionally, the Shop and Dine in the 49 campaign will partner with BART to promote local businesses accessible by public transit. BARTable, a website dedicated to promoting BART-accessible activities, will feature information on independently-owned businesses within a six-block radius of a BART station and provide promotional offers to riders. 

“It’s important for us to uplift local businesses, especially during this challenging time.” said Rodney Fong, President and CEO of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. “Local businesses make our merchant corridors the unique and vibrant streets that we all love so much and keep our economy healthy. That’s why The San Francisco Chamber of Commerce is proud to support Shop & Dine in the 49.” 

San Francisco is home to more than 90,000 small businesses that create thousands of jobs that employ local residents. Currently, San Francisco residents spend hundreds of millions of dollars annually at out-of-town and online retailers. This number increased during COVID-19 when nationally, online retail sales increased from 11% to 14% of all retail according to the U.S Department of Commerce. Despite loosening restrictions, online sales for the third quarter of 2021 remain 13% of all sales nationally, with projections that this trend is more pronounced in California and San Francisco due to the frequency of online shopping in California as compared with other states. 

“I believe that our economy in San Francisco is well on its way to recovery and the Shop and Dine in the 49 Campaign will help bring holiday shoppers into our businesses,” said Maryo Mogannam, President of the San Francisco Council of District Merchants Association. “Directing consumer dollars to small businesses is critical to local jobs and our economic recovery.  Shifting even one percent of our spending from online retailers to local retailers would generate millions of dollars for the San Francisco economy.”  

“When my partner and I started EI Home, we wanted to bring beautiful items to our customers,” said Eric Wang, owner of EI Home. “What we did not expect is that we would become a part of the community. When you shop local you are not only supporting a small business, its owner and staff, you are supporting the community. We enjoy working with our customers in a space that invites them to touch and explore the works of artists and local makers.” 

Shop and Dine in the 49 is a public-private partnership developed by the Mayor’s Office with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, the Office of Small Business in partnership with local merchant associations, neighborhood community benefits districts, and the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and the San Francisco Arts Commission. This year’s campaign is sponsored in part by Mastercard. 

“Supporting neighborhood businesses is essential to the vitality and growth of city economies,” said Miguel Gamino, Executive Vice President of Global Cities, Mastercard. “Despite the challenges of the past couple of years, there has been a resurgence of entrepreneurship and innovation, and Mastercard is dedicated to helping small local businesses adapt, digitize and thrive. We’re pleased to be supporting the Mayor’s Office on this important initiative.” 

Since the beginning of the pandemic, San Francisco has provided immediate and ongoing support for small businesses, including making available more than $63 million in grants and loans to support more than 3,000 small businesses, in addition to tens of millions of dollars in fee and tax deferrals, and assistance applying for state and federal funding. This includes legislation introduced and signed by Mayor Breed to waive $5 million in fees and taxes for entertainment and nightlife venues and small restaurants. 


Hotel Council of San Francisco on Recent Crime

Hotel Council of San Francisco on Recent Crime

“The time for half measures is long past in light of this past weekend’s smash and grab crimes around Union Square.

Our hospitality workers are fearful for their safety and want to see improvements. Our hotel visitors expect and deserve a San Francisco that is safe and secure. We need immediate and concrete action to reverse the current reality on our streets.

Hotels are a vital part of San Francisco’s number one industry, tourism, and measures must be taken to stop crime and hold criminals responsible, especially repeat offenders.”

— Kevin Carroll, President & CEO Hotel Council of San Francisco 

Union Square Alliance Statement following last night’s extensive burglary and vandalism attacks at Union Square in San Francisco

Union Square Alliance Statement following last night’s extensive burglary and vandalism attacks at Union Square in San Francisco.

“After such a challenging time, San Franciscans and visitors are ready to come out and celebrate the holidays in Union Square. Even after the events of last night, people are out and about enjoying the holidays in the square.  We are certainly grateful for the support of the San Francisco Police Department for their strong presence during the holiday season, and for being at the ready to quickly arrest suspects last night. 

The type of organized vandalism and theft that swept through Union Square must stop and must stop now. We must all lean in– the City, stakeholders, and community members– to prevent incidents like this from happening again. This is a time for working together to provide assistance and find real and lasting solutions.  Union Square is an international symbol of the best of San Francisco, and we’re committed to keeping it that way. We will work with the Mayor and the Police Department to solve these issues.

— Marisa Rodriguez, Executive Director Union Square Alliance (Business Improvement District) 

Holiday Shopping Season Kicks Off in Union Square 

Media Contact: Dianna Cavagnaro (415) 781-7880 /

Holiday Shopping Season Kicks Off in Union Square 

Holiday favorites return including the Holiday Ice Rink, Macy’s Great Tree, Santa, and the Bill Graham Menorah 

3 November 2021 San Francisco:  Union Square is excited to welcome shoppers back this holiday season. With a mix of festive only-in-Union Square activities including the Holiday Ice Rink in Union Square and the Macy’s Great Tree, Bill Graham Menorah, in addition to world-class luxury shopping, Union Square San Francisco has something to offer everyone visiting us this holiday season.  

“Union Square, already the crown jewel of San Francisco, comes to life during the holidays in a way that captures the spirit of our City like no other,” says Union Square Alliance Executive Director Marisa Rodriguez. “Visitors and San Franciscans alike can find the warmth and joy of people gathering from every corner of the globe during the holidays in Union Square. Come visit us and share in the experience of a classic San Francisco hallmark.” 

From Elegance to Essentials, Union Square is proud to showcase the best holiday gift shopping on the West Coast. Within our walkable neighborhood, you can visit five department stores, Saks Fifth Avenue, Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Bloomingdales, and Macy’s, and the best shopping experience at Westfield San Francisco Centre, as well as a collection of the finest designer boutiques in the world from Chanel, Gucci, Hermes, Cartier and Louis Vuitton. Don’t miss out on our local and legacy, Only in SF retailers including Gump’s, Britex Fabrics, and Lang Antique & Estate Jewelry

Through November and December, retail events and promotions will be updated regularly at on our popular Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts. 

Holiday Lighting:

Every year, the Union Square Alliance installs decorative lighting in and around Union Square for the holidays. Festive lighting decorates palm trees in the park,  trees and festival lighting on Maiden Lane, and trees at the Powell Street Cable Car turnaround. Lights turn on November 1 and run through February. 

Holiday Ice Rink in Union Square :

The Holiday Ice Rink in Union Square returns this year! The Ice Rink opens November 3, 2021 and closes for the season January 17, 2022. The rink is open from 10 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. daily. Please note these important events dates: 

• Opening Ceremony. Wednesday November 3, 9:30 – 10:00 a.m. 

• Flashback Fridays presented by 80s+: November 12, December 10, and January 14, 7:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. sessions 

• Drag Queens on Ice: Thursday December 2, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. 

• Silent Skate Party: Thursday, December 9, 7:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. sessions 

• Polar Bear Skate: Wednesday, January 1, 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. 

General Admission for the ice rink Including skate rental: $19, locker rental: $3, and skate helper: $6. To purchase tickets and for more information, visit

Macy’s Great Tree:

The holidays would not be complete without Macy’s Great Tree which will shine bright in Union Square bringing holiday cheer throughout the season. San Franciscans can enjoy Macy’s Great Tree from November 19 through January 1. 

Bill Graham Menorah:

Chabad SF presents the Chanukah Menorah Lighting in Union Square, November 28 through December 6. The Bill Graham Menorah, lighting up SF since 1975, was the first giant public menorah outside of Israel and has inspired thousands of Menorahs around the world! Join us for the Bill Graham Menorah Day celebration on the first night of Chanukah: Sunday, November 28 at 2 p.m. for music, traditional foods, and a Menorah Lighting with dignitaries.  The menorah will light up Union Square Park for the eight days of Chanukah as follows: 

• Sunday, November 28: Bill Graham Menorah Day 

2:00 – 6:00 p.m. Live Music & Festive Entertainment 

4:45 p.m. First Lighting Ceremony 

• Monday, November 29 through Thursday, December 2 

4:30 p.m. Gathering 

5:00 p.m. Lighting Ceremony 

• Friday, December 3 

2:30 p.m. Gathering 

3:00 p.m. Lighting Ceremony (early program due to Shabbat) 

• Saturday, December 4 

7:30 p.m. Gathering 

8:00 p.m. Lighting Ceremony (later program due to Shabbat) 

• Sunday, December 5

4:30 p.m. Gathering 

5:00 p.m. Last Lighting Ceremony 

For more information, visit 

Holiday Treats at Union Square Coffee and Alma :

The two cafes in Union Square Park, Alma and Union Square Coffee, have created special menus of festive offerings! From November 2 to January 17, the cafes, owned and operated by McCalls Catering & Events, will serve up a selection of seasonal specialty food and drinks including Irish coffee, apple cider chai lattes, eggnog lattes, peppermint hot chocolate- all which can be fully customized for those over 21 years of age at Alma! The cafes will complement park activities with rotating kiosks serving special treats during Chanukah, Christmas, and New Year’s celebrations. 

Westfield San Francisco Centre Christmas Tree:

Westfield’s famous upside-down Christmas tree returns! The 50-foot, chandelier-like spruce, covered in crystals, rises the second week of November, with Westfield and San Francisco magazine presenting its annual Holiday Tree Lighting Event on December 1, from 6 to 9 p.m. This ticketed event ($75) will feature cocktails, spirit tastings, bites from the city’s best chefs, live entertainment and more. 

Visit Santa 

This year, Santa is traveling from the North Pole to make several stops in Union Square.  Santa Claus returns to delight children of all ages at Macy’s this holiday season and the cherished holiday tradition will return in-person this year. Macy’s Santaland will open for in-store visits on Friday, November 26 and will be located on the lower level of Macy’s Union Square next to Holiday Lane (170 O’Farrell Street.) To provide all guests with a safe and enjoyable environment, visits to the winter wonderland will be conducted by advance reservation only. To reserve a special visit with Santa Claus, guests should visit Reservations will open five days in advance of the desired visit date to allow for the most access possible to guests wishing to attend in-person. 

Baron Davis & the Black Santa Company are hosting a Meet & Greet from Black Santa and Mrs. C., at the Westfield San Francisco Centre. “With all that’s going on in this country, and particularly in the African-American community, I want to offer heroes and role models through storytelling. Black Santa is the first character. His mission is to celebrate diversity, the joy of giving and the magic of good. He’s here to bring people together and have fun.” says founder & NBA All-Star, Baron Davis. Black Santa will make personal appearances November 26 – 28 and December 11-12. 

New Openings and Reopenings:

Ula Restaurant will open early November at the historic mosaic-filled 450 Post Street location and will feature Mediterranean dining and cocktails. 

Bottega Veneta has opened a temporary location at 135 Maiden Lane while their Geary Street location undergoes a renovation and expansion. 

• Longtime San Francisco favorite Gump’s has expanded their footprint to offer more toys and gifts this holiday season. Visit their Holiday Pop Up next door to their permanent location at 250 Post Street. 

Macy’s Fun and Games Toy Shop has arrived for the holidays, street level next to their main entrance on Geary Street. 

• James Bond’s favorite timepiece company Omega is slated to open at 103 Geary Street just in time to celebrate Daniel Craig’s final appearance as 007. 

•Holiday revelers rejoice, Miracle Christmas Cocktail Pop Up Bar at Pacific Cocktail Haven is back this year, at PCH’s new location at 550 Sutter Street.

Saatva, America’s Smarter Luxury Sleep brand arrives just in time for the holidays on November 22 at 128 Post Street

Hotel Stratford located at 242 Powell Street on the Cable Car line, has reopened following an extensive top to bottom, multimillion renovation  showcasing European design sensibilities and modern simplicity.

Small Business Saturday Westfield San Francisco Centre presents the Patchwork Show Modern Makers Festival, a free community event celebrating the shop local movement, on Small Business Saturday, November27, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Peruse artisan wares from over 50 local, independent artists and enjoy DIY crafts stations, music and activities. Make a return visit to Patchwork’s two-day holiday market, December11 and 12,also from 10a.m. to4p.m.located on Level 4 under the Dome.

Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign:

The Salvation Army is hosting their Celebrity Bell Ringing event again this year! A San Francisco tradition for 40 years, visit Macy’s on Friday, December 10 from 1 to 4 p.m as local celebrities help raise funds for those in need. For more information visit

Live Performances Feinstein’s at the Nikko continues to bring nationally recognized performers to San Francisco throughout the holiday season in their new Nikko Live Showroom, including Tony Award winner Lena Hall, famed television and Broadway star Marilu Henner, and an exciting range of festive and fun holiday concerts. For performance dates and tickets, Brat Pack, the acclaimed’80s theatrical concert has extended performances to run through January 1, 2022. Visit for dates and tickets.

Visit San Francisco Playhouse for Twelfth Night from November 24, 2021 to January 15, 2022.Thismusical adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night was named one of the best theatrical productions of 2018 by Time, The Hollywood Reporter and The Washington Post. Twelfth Night is a rousing contemporary musical adaptation of Shakespeare’s classic romantic comedy about mistaken identity and self-discovery. Featuring an original jazz-funk score by Shaina Taub, Twelfth Night is a soulful shake-up of a Shakespearean classic. For tickets visit

About the Union Square Alliance: The Union Square Alliance was founded in 1999 as San Francisco’s first Business Improvement District. The Alliance is a 501(c)4 organization, funded by property owners in the area, which serves members and creates a high-quality visitor experience by managing and activating public spaces, attracting new investment, and advocating for the District’s future success. Union Square is the vibrant heart of San Francisco and an international destination where visitors come to enjoy exceptional retail experiences, luxury hotels, world-class cultural institutions, and great public spaces found only in the City by the Bay. A lively 27-block community surrounding Union Square Park in the heart of San Francisco makes up the Union Square Alliance. It is generally bordered on the north by Bush Street, on the east by Kearny Street, on the south by Market Street and on the west Taylor Street.

For more information on holiday happenings in Union Square, go to www.visitunionsquaresf.comorfollow us on Facebook @UnionSquareSF, Instagramat @unionsquaresf and Twitterat@unionsquaresf. To participate in the conversation and follow the campaign, use the hashtag #unionsquaresf.